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Monday, September 13, 2010

A Day Full of Accomplishments

Wow to day was a day to check off a lot of stuff I could only do on a day booked off of work. Since I had to miss work to get wired up with a halter monitor, that monitors my heart when I push a button if I experience the flutters I was having in my heart, I have to wear for two weeks. I honestly don't think I am going to have any more issues as I feel that after many people praying for me and a feeling of renewing & healing from our Heavenly Father that I am not going to experience another. I also was able to get the respite paper work done with my child's worker, My other child signed up for University & the hopefully straightening around from the bump that through her off track. Payed back some of what I owed from last year, got a head light for my vehicle and had a wonderful neighbor help me put it in. Yes I admit I can't change a light bulb.... I was able to talk to a wonderful lady God brought into our lives to help us heal. As you can see, I had a filled day that ended with taking my daughter back to her home. I Praise God for my day!

I pray:

I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own;
       it is not for man to direct his steps.  Correct me, LORD, but only with justice—
       not in your anger,
       lest you reduce me to nothing.
(Jeremiah 10:22-24) Amen.

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