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Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 30,2013

Happy Easter!!
He Has Risen!!!!!

Luke 24:1-12

March 30, 2013

Dear Father,

Father I cannot lift enough praises to you that will even express how great you are!!

Father words can not express how grateful I am for what you have done in my life.

Father thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Secret Church: Heaven, Hell and the End of the World, on the night of Good Friday. Thank you for the affirmation it gave me to what you have been teaching me and for the thought provoking teachings about the care of our physical bodies now and cremation vs being buried, as our bodies will be renewed with our spirit.

Father I come to you for forgiveness, as I found myself snapping at my mother, not for something she did but for the battle I was internally fighting. I feel my call for my life to walk with you in complete dependency while sharing the Gospel with the unreached  and the lost. I all so feel the hold of my Mom's dependency on me and the love I have for her. I am feeling torn, as I know my mom fears her future without my support.Father I am feeling torn between my love for you and the love for my mother.

Father is there a way I can do what you are asking me and leave my mom secure in what she needs from me. Father if there is please help me to see. I want to follow you, my heart is burden for those who do not have a relationship with you.

You have given me a glimpse into what those who do not except you will face and it brings me great pain and sorrow to think that this is their future if they don't except you, as their future is filled with eternal torment where their thirst will never be quenched.

Father how can I know what I know now and not make spreading your Good News a priority in my life. How can I become complacent,sit back and watch people  loose their lives to spend an eternity in Hell. When you want to give them salvation through the Life, Death and Resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ.

You brought me to the edge of Hell, but you also brought me to the edge of Heaven. I was given a glimpse into your Glory when you dried my tears and showed me your loving, joyous, beautiful presence as you filled me with your love and peace beyond understanding.

I want all to experience the gift of Salvation, that is waiting for all who believe and except what Jesus did for them.

Father I love you more than life itself. You have shown me a portion of your love you have for me and in that the hope of an amazing future with you.

Father I ask that you set me free to do your will, let my will be put away to never return. Father take charge of every nook and cranny of my life and being. I come to you with empty hands and an open heart. I ask you to use me for your glory, if it is your will.

No words I say and nothing I ever do will ever measure up to what you have done for me. Thank you Father!!

Father I hold up to you all who are grieving a loved one. Father may you flood them with your comfort, love, strength and peace beyond understanding.

Father I lift up to you all who come, live and learn in El Tizate, may your love abound in them and may they have a personal relationship with you.

Father I lift up to you little Bryan and his family, may they be flooded with your Holy Spirit and walk in your shelter daily.
In Jesus Name Amen.

He loves you too!! You are his treasure!! The precise words you use to accept Jesus into your life don't matter, he knows your intention. If you are unsure of what to pray, this might help you put it into words: "Jesus, I want to know you. I want you to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin so that I could be fully accepted by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish. Amen" 
You are so loved more than you will ever know!!

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