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Friday, March 29, 2013

March 28, 2013

Mathew 27, Isaiah 53-1-6,Mathew 16:23-25

Dear Father,

Thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, who knew your plans for him and he walked in perfect obedience anyways. When they came for him he did not war battle, but he went with them willingly knowing his path, marked with suffering, so that we could be saved from our transgressions.

Father we have been asked, if we are to follow Jesus, to deny ourselves and take up our cross. Father help me when my flesh fails to continue to deny myself and take up my cross.

Father I thank you for your mercy and grace you have given to me. Thank you Father for flooding me with your love, joy and peace beyond understanding in all of my circumstances.

Father thank you for the blessing of the hockey tickets, I won at work, so that I can spend time with out with my son doing something I know he will enjoy.

Father thank you for the blessing of people at my work approaching me in personal conversation, something I am not use to, but quite enjoy.

Father I come to you in confusion and ask you to help me understand what is true and right in you. You have been teaching me to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as I am lead by the Holy Spirit in matters of my walk with you. I have noticed a pattern in your teaching to me. You take me through an experiences and then through the Holy Spirit I am brought to a scripture in the Bible that teaches me the way I should walk through  the situation and then you affirm it through the teaching of the sermon at Church. I am finding my confusion is coming from hearing Pastors speak about studying the scripture and hearing we should search out resources that are from man's interpretation of your word and there is no reference being made to coming to You, Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit for clarity or guidance.

Father I ask you to bring the Church back to you as there teacher, if this is your will.

Father I lift all the friends and family of Virginia up to you Lord, fill them with your love, comfort and peace. Father protect and guide them through their grief.

Father I lift my daughter up to you, as she faces her fears. Father she goes Saturday to have her infected wisdom teeth removed, fill her with your love, comfort and peace, cut away with the sword of the Spirit her fear and free her from it.

Father I lift my son up to you. He is unknowingly allowing video games to control his life, it was so innocent in the beginning. Father bring him to awareness of the control it has taken over his everyday life, as like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Free him from the snare and bondage of the enemy.

Father I lift the people of the school in El Tizate, El Tizate and Little Bryan up to you fill them with your love, mercy,grace, and Holy Spirit. Guide them and protect them.

Father I continue to ask you to take charge of every nook and cranny of my being and life. I surrender my will to you replace it with yours. Father help me to deny myself and pick up my cross daily.
In Jesus Name through the Holy Spirit Amen.

I received news today March 29 that a dear friends Father has gone home to be with our Lord, please pray for her and her family. God knows their names. Thank you! 

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