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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Worship Songs are Like a Photo Album

I was standing in Church this morning singing Praise & Worship songs today and it was revealed to me that I use to sing these songs like you would look at a friend or families vacation photos, enjoyable & beautiful but there is no real meaning or connection to the photos.

I find now it is much different, it is like I am looking at the photo album of a journey that God has taken me on. Every song has deep meaning & connection. I can now connect an experience I have had with my Heavenly Father through the songs.

"Alive Again" reminds me of the Journey I was on through the trial where I felt reality losing a grip on me as everything I relied on disappeared, when I was surrounded by the darkness & God broke through My deafness allowing me to breath in and out & become alive again.

"Amazing Grace ( My Chains are Gone)" reminds me of how much a wretch I was, how lost I was and how blind I was to the fact I was set free. My God my Saviour ransomed me and in his word my hope secures.

"Attention" brings me back to the memory of the time once we found out what was happening with my daughter and was not a 100% sure that the seizures were over. God had brought me out of all the wars I was waging in my life and brought me to a place of being still, he called me here so I could find my purpose. He had my complete attention.

"Beautiful" brings me to the place where I was so broken and had no more strength and I had totally hearing I wasn't worth anything and wondering if I could ever be loved. I wondered if anyone truly saw my heart would they see to much and leave. Then my Heavenly Father dried my tears, he knew what was in my heart and showed me I was worthy of his love and he created me for a purpose only I can fill. He is showing me that my life is worth so much more than what it was.

"Better Than a Hallelujah" reminds me that God would rather here my honest cries out to him as this is true show of faith when everything is crumbling around you and you can still cry out to him, because anyone can praise him when everything is going good.

"Born again" is so how I feel because I am not who I was 2yrs ago. God brought me to a point I could die to myself, so I could become alive in Christ and be Born Again

"Christmas Shoes" so touches my heart as my sister is dieing and I pray she gets to dance with Jesus.

well it is night for now.

Oh before I go I'm excited to say I have my application Faxed out for a Kenya Missions Trip with Global Aid Network. I have the date for my first fundraiser with the understanding if my application is not excepted the money fund-raised will roll into Northview Community Churches Missions Ministry. I just have to fill out a form for Northviews Short term Missions. Please pray for God's will to be done. Thank you & Goodnight!

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