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Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Letter For My Children, for when Jesus Invites Me to Our Fathers Mansion, because we never know what the next moment will bring, live life with no regrets .

Dear Teresa & Anthony,

I know you are receiving this letter because Jesus has taken me home to Our Fathers Mansion. I know you are sad right now, but I need you to know that I am telling God how much of a blessing he gave me when he gave me the privilege to raising you both.

Teresa where do I start. You have been a ray of sunshine since you were a baby, you have been covered by many storms that have shaped you and made you to the rainbow you are today. Teresa you are such a caring compassionate person that everyone gravitates to, yes I know you don't always believe it but I know God has great plans for your life so please don't let this take you away from focusing on what great blessings he has for your life. Yes you will be taken out of your comfort zone but that's ok it means he is shaping you into the person you need to be and that is ok. I love you Princess & all you need to do is look up and you will know I am there with you.♥Hugs My Princess♥, it will be Ok!

Anthony, You have been a great teacher. People told me when you were diagnosed that I would grieve what you wouldn't be able to do. You have shown me that they were very wrong. You have taught me far more than I could ever have taught you. You have taught me that Love & Faith can overcome any circumstance. You have grown into such a caring, polite, compassionate, & strong person that can do any thing you put your mind to. You have a Great Faith don't let this take you away from that Faith. You are going to do great things with your life, just remember that you have a reason to work harder but don't have an excuse to quit trying. The world needs what you can teach them & let God guide you when you teach the world. I love you Handsome & all you need to do is look up and you will know I am there with you.♥Hugs My Handsome Man♥, it will be Ok!

I need you both to promise me that you will continue with your devo's, by reading your bible daily. You will try your best to forgive those who have wronged you. You will cont. to look for ways to extend random acts of kindness and most of all don't loose who you are!

I love you both and I will be watching over you from Heaven & I will be waiting at the gate when Jesus calls you home & then be prepared for bear hugs you have never experienced before. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Love, Mommy

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