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Monday, September 2, 2013

Where Do I Start?

Dear Father,

Where do I start it has been so long since I have written you and much has happened and I have so much to be thankful to you for!!

I went for my bone scan and it showed something, but not a significant cause of what was happening in my arm, as I continue to deal with the injury too it. I am so thankful though that when I was at work a bit a go I heard a loud pop in my arm. I was instantly able to close my hand and hold on to things again and was like a kid with a new toy as the feeling of weakness felt gone.

My arm continues to pop in and out, but I am so thankful for the moments it is in. I am also so thankful for your presence while I went for my bone scan and getting me through the appointment. I say very convenient that the original appointment was cancelled for the Sat, as all their machines broke down at once. I was so blessed the Monday when I received a call to get over to the bone scan immediately as they had rescheduled me, not giving my emotions enough time to run through the worries of how I was going to face the hospital, as I had no time to think before it was already done, over and I was leaving. Thank You Father.

Father I prayed to you that if it was your will I could be able to go see Jars of Clay at the Agrifair in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. I had found out I couldn't enter to win through the radio station, as my work was a sponsor and I thought all chances were gone. I had a coworker at work tell me that she would try to make sure I got tickets. My work ended up getting passes to the Agrifair, Early entry to the concert and meet and greet with Jars of Clay. I was asked to put up a sign in our three buildings, by the time clocks and in the lunch rooms and to be sure to put my name on. I have to say I was so blessed to receive the ability to not just go to the concert but to meet Jars of Clay.

Father, I face many health challenges but always feel your ever presence through them filling me with your peace and comfort. I know I may have been cast a lot of suffering but I also know you are always there to comfort me and get me through, I never walk this alone! 

Father I can see your healing in my life as you take me through these trials, showing me how far you have brought me since I surrendered control to you! I have sat in this last little while in an emergency department that I held so much anger for, with medical issues that in the past I would be sitting in great fear and anxiety, I lay there two days in a row filled with your peace beyond understanding. I have to say though it confuses the medical staff when you are in your arms, filled with your peace, as they think you are faking your medical issues, because that peace is unnatural in their eyes in that circumstance. I rest on the knowledge that you are the great physician.

I see you moving in my life Father as I have experiences things  that I would not have if it wasn't for you opening doors and putting all the pieces into place. Through this injury I have been able to connect and get to know so many more people at work, as I have worked with the receptionists, next to the parts staff, the marketing staff and now with the administrative staff. Giving me the chance to get to know some wonderful people and remind me of all the skills you have aloud me to acquire over the years and re ignite the drive to push forward and at the same time be still and know you are God, as everything that is happening is not of my making, but of yours and I Thank you for that.

I thank you for providing for me to start Theology Classes this Fall, that run for two years and is only the cost of the textbook. Father let this be teaching from you, give me discernment and allow what ever is not of you to not take place in my thoughts or my heart.

Thank you for the opportunity to be invited to take a watercolor course for free, as this is something I always wanted to do again.

 Thank you for providing for the Beth Moore Simulcast coming up, only allow the things that are pleasing to you take root in my heart and soul.

Father I continue to pray for the people of this world, as well as my family,  friends and Brayan and his family, you know what each one of them are facing, you know them by name, you knew them before they were formed in their mothers womb. Father I ask that you soften their hearts, remove the scales from their eyes so that they can see your truth for them and how much you love them. Father fill them with your Holy Spirit on a daily bases and cut away with the sword of the spirit, anything that is not of you! Guard us Father, protect us from the one who would rather see us fall away from you, forgive us Father for the things we do that don't glorify you.

Father I pray for you to comfort me Mom as she prepares for hip surgery a week today.

Father I ask you to take my life as a living sacrifice, consume me, break me and transform me till all that is left is you. Father I ask for your forgiveness and ask that you take me to the river and wash away my sin so that I am white as snow in your sight.

I pray all of this with your will to be done above all, In Jesus Name Amen.

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