My Dream
iBlong Community Centre is a dream to help all persons with disabilities and special needs reach their full potential and work towards their greatest level of independence. Disabled and special needs persons includes physically or developmentally challenged. The centre will strive to fill the gaps and support existing services; creating greater accessibility, while breaking down barriers. Our desire is to create an easier flow of information, resources and services. Freeing up families, guardians and professionals to focus on directly working with persons with disabilities/special needs, to support their full potential.
Upon first receiving the diagnoses of the disability or special needs, many do not know where to go from there and find themselves treading water in an ocean of information, this can become overwhelming and time consuming. iBlong Community Centre would eliminate this barrier by being that first step for those entering the journey; a one stop place for information, education, sharing resources and support. Family members and loved ones would have access to the information collected by those who have walked this journey before them.
The Centre would contain master lists of: information, services, resources, funding and support circles within the community; as well as the neighbouring communities. Master lists will contain a rating system by those who have had experience with them previously. All service providers will be required to supply an updated police background check for the vulnerable.
The community will also have access to a store where they can purchase resources, where applicable, labeled with pre-approved government funded labels. Items in the store will also hold a rating by those who have previously used them.
Families and loved ones also fight the barrier of isolation, as many in their pre-diagnoses social circle do not understand what they are facing. When Canada’s private sector privacy law came into effect on January 1, 2004, although well needed, it created barriers in the social connection of those in the world of disabilities and special needs. Privacy law stopped the ability of service providers to connect clients that were walking similar journeys or had gone before them, without having to go through a lengthy process. iBlong Community Centre will break down this barrier by creating a social network through the centre where people can connect to those in the community that share similar journeys. The Centre will have a coffee lounge where everyone can get to know each other in a relaxed environment and grow in community, breaking down the barrier of isolation.
The Centre will also allow therapies, where possible, to return to where they belong outside of the home. What makes a place a home? Home should be a safe place where you can have an emotionally refuge where you can feel comfortable and at peace. When therapies are done in the home it effects the environment of the home, as every person walks on egg shells trying not to disturb or interfere with the therapy, removing all that makes a place a home.
We have moved towards putting the control into family/guardian hands to create individualized based teams of supports and therapies. Many of these are being accessed within the family home. I have spoken to many families and loved ones who have gone into debt to set up appropriate spaces within the home to do the therapies.
iBlong Community Centre will contain sensory friendly therapy rooms that can be booked by families/guardians, allowing homes to be homes once again removing the strain on the family unit. Therapy rooms will come in two types. Standard and Observation rooms that are equipped with attached rooms with a two way mirror, so that an untainted view of behaviours and progress may be observed by the support team or for the use of specialists.
The centre is unique in the fact it will not require one to purchase services, but support the services already in place; by creating a shared facility, resources, and information. I envision the centre to be used by families, guardians and professionals. Families, guardians and professionals will have a community centre that they can access and use to meet their needs. Examples:
• Families and guardians set up their teams and come into the centre and book a room for them to work in.
• A specialist has a number of patients that are in one community that they need to see and do assessments on. They can book a room at the centre for the day and use it as a place to work out of while in the community.
• Speech, Behavioural, Occupational, Physiotherapists having a place to work with clients, reducing the overhead, with a hope that a reduction in cost would be passed on to their clients. I feel this will also open the doors to those just entering the field reducing barriers they face and creating availability of services, with the goal to reduce waitlists.
The Centre will contain many rooms designated to specific use:
• Physical Therapy to work on gross and fine motor skills, which will be used under professional supervision for safety purposes.
• Training Kitchen that will help with developing life skills in nutrition, food and kitchen safety, as well as cooking. These skills can be taught on a one to one basis or in a classroom environment. The Kitchen can also act as a community kitchen where persons with disabilities and special needs can come in to create meals for the week in a supported group environment, which can be easily warmed up through the week.
• Music Therapy that can be used to promote motor skills, social/interpersonal development, cognitive development, self-awareness, and spiritual enhancement. The resources in this room can be used in a one on one setting or a group setting, depending on the need.
• One on One Therapy rooms that can be booked to meet the needs of families, guardians and professionals.
• Playground to support social skill development, promote community among our younger participants; while promoting safe play.
• Resource Sharing Centre where resources can be signed out to be used on the premises, such as equipment, instruments, therapy games and resources. Participants will also have access to a library of resources that can be signed out, for two week periods. Resource sharing reduces the cost to participants, freeing funds to be used elsewhere.
• Computer Centre opening access to specialty programs or resources not on site with a directory of web sites parents have found helpful. A place where specialized therapeutic programs can be accessed and used.
• Resource Store that will bring greater accessibility to therapy and information resources, with a rating by those who have used them before and labeled if pre-approved under government funding.
• Meeting Rooms that can be used as one large workshop/meeting room, which can be closed into two smaller meeting rooms for smaller needs.
• Token Economy Store will give participants the ability to earn simulated money for a job well done in their therapies and will be able to spend it in the store, to promotion of positive learning and the correct use of money, for those participants that need it.
iBlong Community Centre will bring a community together where it can work together to support the full potential of individual faced with disabilities, so they may reach the greatest independence. Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at everything with a different lens and go back to looking at the basic needs and how we can supply them. We as a society have so many things that can be brought together to support those around us, if we just step out of the box and find new ways to use the things we already have.
The Centre is attempting to do that by looking into the community and seeing what is already there and how it can work together for the needs of those with disabilities and special needs. We have a multiple of post-secondary schools with practicum students needing experience and many waiting on wait lists needing help. Why can we not bring these two together to support each other? We have grade 11 and 12 students needing volunteer hours to graduate why can we not connect them to the needs of the community of the disabled and special needs community. We have models of sponsorship programs through World Vision and Compassion International. We have many resources that are used and not shared. Why can’t we take some of these resources that overlap in need and share them? Why can we not use these models to create a sponsorship program for supporting those with disabilities and special needs that their means don’t support their needs? Sometimes we need to create new ideas, but other times we need to take what we already have and look at it in a different light, rethinking how we can use them to best support the needs.
We can spend money to band aide the needs of the community creating a dependency on a wide range of services for a life time or we can invest in futures of a community creating a greater level of independence.
iBlong Community Centre will continue to learn and adapt as it finds new ways to support the needs and the future of the community. How we look at and diagnose disabilities and special needs keeps evolving. The centre will continue to evolve as the community does.
Many great dreams have changed our world as we know it. I believe this dream will be one of them, as it supports the full potential of a community. Martin Luther King said “I have a dream,” that dream changed many lives.
You may request a digital copy of the conceptual plan for the iBlong Community Centre or give feedback through emailing
Business Overview
Business History
iBlong Community Centre is an opportunity for persons with disabilities and special needs to reach their full potential, by supporting the families, guardians and professionals that work with them. Disabled and special needs person includes physically or developmentally challenged.
My expectation for the Centre is to create a community with one goal: to assist our disabled and special needs community, by giving families, guardians and professionals equal access to a facility that will support their needs. Whether these needs are emotional, physical or psychological, iBlong Community Centre will strive to offer a stress-free environment that provides a wide range of services at little or no cost to participants.
Vision and Mission Statement
Our mission is to help all disabled and special needs persons reach their full potential and work towards the highest level of independence possible, with a sense of belonging, by providing the services and support for families, guardians and professionals that support them, while treating everyone with the equal respect and dignity they deserve.
Our primary objectives in the first year are to:
Fundraising catalogue of needs for the facility
Obtain a facility to operate in that support the needs of the centre participants;
Receive initial funding to get the centre started, and on-going funding to maintain programs and support services. This funding would be gained through grants, donations & fundraising;
Acquire equipment and supplies that can be shared with both centre participants and the general public who wish to educate themselves about the issues being faced by families, guardians and professionals who work with the disabled/special needs;
Research and create a resource of accessibility books, that can be used by family members and others to learn how best to help support the needs of the persons with disabilities/special needs;
Recruit, train and maintain a volunteer team of caring individuals, and hire paid professional staff where needed.
Connect with Universities & Colleges to inquire about practicum students and how they can help the participants of the centre.
Communicating with High schools about their volunteer program requirements for graduation and see if it is possible to partner with them.
Create a Sponsorship program for the low income persons with disabilities/special needs
iBlong Community Centre is a community project that will be operated as a non-profit society registered with the provincial government and appropriate agencies. As the centre expands we plan to form alliances with other local organizations that serve families, and with other likeminded groups in surrounding communities, to support them in opening a centre in their area.
Location and Facilities
To make the centre accessible we plan to locate the centre on a bus route. This location will also allow the training of our older special needs/disabled persons to learn to negotiate independent transportation and give them the ability to become more self-sufficient.
Centrally locating the centre will allow easier access to a greater community. We plan to locate in a facility designed to meet the special needs of all those who require our services. This includes providing ramps, elevators, handicapped accessible washrooms, etc.
As an option to a free standing centre, we are considering using a local school that has the facilities needed, and provides the special accessibility requirements necessary, that is vacant.
The iBlong Community Centre will not compete with other community resources, it will support them. We do not plan to provide professionals like Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Behavioral Consultants ext. to work with the disabled/special needs. The Centre is a place that families and professionals can access information to assist in meeting the needs of their loved ones/clients. This will include professional research information, other community groups and funding for items that parents and guardians struggle to afford; including physical therapy equipment and musical instruments. The Centre will also provide the opportunity for persons with disabilities/special needs to learn social and life skills, with games and equipment that might not be accessible to individual families or guardians. The Centre will be open to all who support the full potential of the disabled and special needs community.
Products and Services:
Physical Therapy Room
to promote gross and fine motor skills
Training Kitchen
to promote nutrition education, life skills and ability to learn independent living skills
giving a place for individual or group training of nutrition, cooking, proper use of kitchen equipment and safe food handling for a few.
Music Therapy Room
to promote motor skills, social/interpersonal development, cognitive development, self-awareness, and spiritual enhancement
One on One Therapy Rooms
these rooms would be free of distractions that could impede therapy
half of these rooms would have observation rooms with two way mirrors so that parents and professionals can get an untainted view of the person’s progress or needs. The therapy rooms with observation will be equipped with video cameras to record sessions, so parents can show professionals that can’t come to observe their concerns.
to promote social skills
to promote safe play
Resource Sharing Centre
for resources to be shared on premises such as equipment, instruments and therapy games
to lower the cost for parents so their resources can be stretched further
Computer Centre
a place for parents/guardians to access specialty programs or resources not on site with a directory of web sites parents/guardians have found helpful
a place where specific therapeutic programs can accessed and used.
Resource Store
to bring therapy & information resources closer for the parents, guardians and professionals with a rating system on the resources by the opinion of parents and professionals on how useful they found them
a list of resources that are government pre-approved to be covered by funding
Meeting room
that can be either be one large room for work shops or support meetings
or can be closed into two small meeting rooms to meet smaller needs
Coffee Shop
a relaxed setting where parents can meet to support each other or just take a break
for informal meeting with people on the families/guardians team
for work experience for our older participants with their support workers in a safe environment
Token Economy Store
participants will be able to earn play money for a job well done in their therapies and will be able to spend it in the store
to promotion of positive learning
to promote the correct use of money, by using a special form of money that is similar to every day money
an inviting area to make families feel welcome and to help them with their needs
will be used to sign out sharing resources
will have information binders for different needs, such as a list of professionals specializing in different needs with references and any available background information. A binder with a list of local companies that is flexible and helpful to people with special needs (e.g. hairdressers, clothing stores, transportation, dental services......)
information about available funding through schools and government and places that help fund specialized equipment.
a list of parents, guardians & proffessionals that have resources that they are finished with and would like to give away, sell or trade
registration for child sponsorship program
any other services that will suit the needs of the parents or persons with disabilities
a place to support the spiritual needs of the families, guardians & professionals
First Aid Room
a place to house necessary first aid equipment
treatment room
Key Features of the Products and Services
iBlong Community Centre will focus on giving families, guardians and professionals a space to put together a team of support for a specific individual, or fill a need, without being obligated to purchase a professional service.
Many other centers require you to obtain a professional service they provide before you can access the facility. With the move to allow families and guardians to hire their own teams and with the different needs of each person with special needs this facility allows adaptability to each individual need, while supporting their full potential in every aspect of life.
iBlong Community Centre will be open to the whole community, who work with our disabled and special needs individuals, such as schools, pediatricians, families, guardians, therapists, health centre workers, social workers etc.
Initially there will be consultation with professionals, and families/guardians to find out what the specific needs are that can be used by multiple persons with disabilities and special needs. We initially plan a quarterly meeting with a representative from all agencies that may work with the disabled and special needs community, from government agencies, other non-profit societies, medical practitioners, therapists, and schools, etc.
A request of a voluntary donation will be in place to support workshops that will be supplied based on interest, need and funding.
The facility will be run by a Board of Directors, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Directors. We anticipate the board to include representation from governmental agencies, parents’/guardian groups, medical associates, schools and therapists who specialize in serving those with disabilities and special needs. Staffing The Centre anticipates requiring the following staff members (A combination of volunteer and paid staff):
Developmental/Communication Coordinator
manages donations
child sponsorship program
Finance Manager
Family Resource Manager
resource books
resource sharing
physical therapy supplies
music therapy supplies
Pastor of Care
to support the spiritual needs of the families
Coffee Shop/Training Kitchen Coordinator
running of coffee shop
supplies for kitchen
Technology Coordinator
support for hardware and software
Office Coordinator
general information
support groups
assure resource material is up to date
assisting families and professionals
booking of rooms
First Aid Attendant
• to be first responder in case of an emergency
• assures first aid supplies are not expired and are fully stocked
House Keeping
• responsible for cleanliness of therapy centre
Maintenance Coordinator
• keeps centre in good repair
Future Products and Services:
We will continue to update resources, equipment and workshops as needed and available. We will also encourage accountability and feedback in these areas from families, guardians and professionals.
Comparative advantages in relation to other agencies since our facility does not hire the professionals that work with the individuals our cost for running the centre will be lower than one that does.
We also have the benefit of being a community based facility where we would work as one united team with one goal, to support the full potential of persons with disabilities and special needs, where everyone is a vital part of that community.
We will also be compiling the resources to support all aspects of successful living where possible. The facility will provide skill training to support future work experience for older individuals with disabilities/special needs, where possible.
Industry Overview
Market Research
I have based the concept of the iBlong Community Centre on 20 years of experience of researching resources and accessing services within the community of special needs. I have observed, listened and learned from talking to professionals, families and guardians that are in the community of disabilities and special needs.
I have also listened to the news media and societies involved in community of disabled/special needs. I have heard from many families that have either renovated their houses or were unable to afford to renovate to try to support the needs of those they care for and support. Therapies are being done in family rooms and basements.
I believe and know the psychological stress of having therapy in a home effects the whole family, putting unnecessary burdens on the family unit, as it removes the ability to have down time in the home, because it is related to the work of therapies.
Every day there are more children being diagnosed with a disability or special need as our ability to diagnose improves. Our need is not going to diminish any time soon, but will expand. We can help make a difference in the lives of those facing disabilities and special needs and help support them to become a valued part of our community.
Employment and Social Development Canada states in its document “Canadians in Context-People with Disabilities” that 14.3% of Canadians reported having a disability, 16% of British Columbians in 2006 (Government of Canada).
According to the Statistics Canada’s Report “Participation and Activity Limitation Survey 2006” Between 2001 and 2006 there was a 5.9% increase in the total population of persons with disabilities, leading to an approximate increase of 108, 510 of persons with disabilities (Government of Canada).
The Centre for Disease Control & Prevention cites that approximately 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (Center of Disease Control & Prevention).
Canadian Down Syndrome Society states that approximately 500 babies are born with Down Syndrome each year in Canada (Canadian Down Syndrome Society).
Health Canada states that every year 123-740 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Government of Canada).
We as a community are working towards individual based supports and services, allowing parents and guardians to customize the therapies and services towards the best outcome for the individual person with the disability/special needs.
We plan to market the services of the Centre through referrals by pediatricians, psychologists, behavioral consultants, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist, educational system, as well as our local community to promote awareness.
Finances Year One Projected Income & Expenses:
fund raisers
Expenses would vary depending on whether the Centre is in a newly constructed facility or the renovation of an existing structure, such as a school that is no longer being utilized.
Executive Summary Business Description
iBlong Community Centre is a new approach to a therapy centre, to be started in Abbotsford, BC, giving space where families, guardians and professionals can create individual plans without being restricted to purchasing professional services from the centre.
The facility will give access to resources, information about services with ratings and accountability and equipment. Our mission is to support the full potential of our special needs children with the flexibility to adapt to their therapy needs.
The centre will be funded by grants, donations, and fundraisers.
Ownership and Management
iBlong Community Centre will be run as a Non-Profit Society. The centre will be managed by a Board of Directors and with members representative of all community involved in special needs where available. I believe as a united community, with one goal to support the full potential of our special needs children anything is possible.
iBlong Community Centre will start with the intention for growth and learning
Canadian Down Syndrome Society. Home Page. 05 June 2014. <>.
Center of Disease Control & Prevention. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 24 March 2014. <>.
Government of Canada. Canadians in Context - People with Disabilities. 05 06 2014. <>.
—. Fetal Alchol Syndrome/ Fetal Alchol Effects. 23 02 2012. <>.
—. "Participation and Activity Limitation Survey 2006: Tables." 2006. Statistics Canada. <>.
I do ask if any of you are local in BC Canada, please email:, in support of the iblong Community Therapy & Life Skills Centre
for the property of the old MSA Hospital in Abbotsford. Please Pray for the Community Centre. We are looking for an Architect to donate his time to create a blue print for the centre and for a builder to donate his time in giving a quote on how much it will cost to build once we have the blue print, so we have sound figures to start raising the funds for building the centre on the MSA property or other future sites as my dream is for this concept to grow and be be developed in other communities in other areas as well. Thank you for your support and please share this to get as much support as we can for the Community Centre.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
As God transforms my life, my focus and my desires have changed. I use to only have one focus and that was to open a special needs community centre, but God has laid on my heart a burning desire to walk across Canada like the disciples did back in the day of the bible with Jesus, this has become my desire now to walk in total dependency on Jesus to guide my feet, my lips. Trusting him for every part of my life. I have no reservations about walking across Canada with him as he has taught me to lean on him for all my needs and he has provided time and again. I want to go out and show the world that when you hear people talk about the Bible it isn't just reading the past, as God's word is still active and living today. I feel a great urgency to go as God brings scripture to me and lays the need to go out and disciple to those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. I was given eyes to see into the only two choices we have to make and my heart is burdened for those who don't understand the choice they are making when they deny Jesus Christ as I have witnessed the horrific alternative and for the love of the people of this world I pray that their eyes are opened to the truth before it is to late. I don't know when Christ will return because it is not for us to know but as I read scripture it has been laid on my heart that the days are numbered and it is urgent to reach the people of this world with the truth.
Godlessness in the Last Days
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
2Timothy 3:1-9 ESV