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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Time Has Come!

Well the time has come and it is actually happening!! I leave for Tizate, Guatemala in the morning and will be without communication for a couple of weeks. I don't think it will become a reality to me until I am sat on the airplane, as I have prayed for this day for a long time and now it is here!

The last time I was on a airplane was over 30 yrs. ago almost to the month. I am so excited to be going on my first Missions trip, if you would like to see any updates while I am down there and you are on facebook go to Global Shore( https://www.facebook.com/globalshore?fref=ts )

I know they have already posted pictures of the home we will be helping replace for a beautiful family down there and they have a picture of the two little darlings (little girls of the family we will be helping and there is a picture of the school we will be helping out at. I am hoping to take lots of pictures while I am down there, God willing.

Please pray for all of us going down to Guatemala, as there will be a team of 6 Ladies and 5 Gents. I know many of us have already been experiencing spiritual warfare.

So I guess this is Good Bye for now!

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