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Wednesday, November 14, 2012



                Hello!! The Season of Fall is always a beautiful time of year, as the colours of changing leaves create picture perfect views and the air is crisp. Something is changing in my life as well and is just around the corner and it is SO exciting. I’ll bring you up to speed on the happenings in my life over the past year and then I will tell you about this opportunity before me.

I’m currently working at Fraserway Rv, as a detailer, in Abbotsford, BC. I have been utilizing my camera; my mom gave me, as I have fallen in love with photography, a gift I was given through the storm, to focus on the beauty that surrounds me through all the seasons of life. I continue to live with my son Anthony and Mother Mary. My Daughter Teresa has moved to Calgary. I am attending Northview Community Church. It has been a fruitful year as I have been blessed to share what God has been doing in my life, through his mercy and grace. We all have incredible opportunities to influence others for the Lord and I pray that God uses me in the lives of those in my path.

I belong to a Pastorate Group through Northview that has a global mission emphasis and has been with an organization called Global Shore Opportunities. Mission statement is to raise up disciples in Canada and Guatemala.

Global Shore is a non-profit mission organization that works in Guatemala. Throughout the year, they offer short term missions trips, giving opportunity to Canadians to partner with their initiatives down south. It has been on my heart for several months now to be involved in international missions and I believe the Lord has led me to go on this trip.

I’ll be joining with others in my pastorate and we will be heading down to Guatemala from Feb. 23/13 to March 8/13. Global Shore is active in a small community called Tizate, just outside of Antigua. There they run a Christian school staffed by the local people and they are also involved in on-going construction, children’s ministry and outreach.

In Tizate, our team will be staying in the ministry facility which was recently renovated from the old school to create a safe environment for visiting mission teams. We will also be involved in daily Spanish classes to help build communication with the locals as quickly as possible. The mission is also heavily involved with the local Spanish church called El Calvario and we anticipate tremendous growth and opportunities to encourage and partner in ministry with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters in Christ.

For the trip I will need to raise $1 800.00 ($900.00 by Dec. 15th and the rest by Jan 10th). This Amount not only covers all associated costs for the team to be there, but also leaves several hundred dollars left over to bless the organization and to help with their ongoing need for funding.

I am so thrilled at this opportunity that the Lord has opened up for me. I am excited to grow in the Lord and serve in Guatemala. If you are at all interested in supporting me in this way, I’d be so thankful! (Please find attached to this letter a donor information page if you wish to make a donation, so that you can receive a tax receipt.)

Prayer is also such a tremendous tool and I would covet your prayers for the team and for myself as we desire to be used by the Lord in this time.

Donor Information Page :( Please Put "Nichola- Anne Bennett-Criss" where it says "Note", so they know where to direct the funds. Thank you!)


Please also take a look at the Sponsorship Program that Global Shore has for their students http://www.globalshore.org/home/sponsorships-2/

Thank you for being a part of the Journey God is taking me on,
Nicki B

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