Yesterday was a day with overflowing Blessings.
I started yesterday with the news that, even though I applied for Regular EI benefits with an explanation of why I was at this point and not disputing my employers dismissal, I had been accepted into EI with Sickness benefits with no need for the needed Dr.’s note. I was facing the impossible but God made it possible.
I went to see my Counselor yesterday morning. She had suggested I needed a week sevatical, I told her that even if I could that would be scary, I have never spent time by myself before and I really don’t know who that person is anymore. I lost that person in my childhood and have never had to face that person since. I know this is would be part of the heeling.
We also set up some sinario's of boundaries that I could set up with the people I love and before I left the counselor she suggested approaching the local art community with my photography & the Art Counsel. I took her suggestion and looked up their website and it is only $15. a year to join the Art Counsel & this opens up allot of opportunities to get my photography out there and the Testimony behind it. The Art Counsel also has a festival coming up at Mill Lake at the end of August and it is $50. for a spot for the three days. I have been speaking with Abbotsford Printing and they suggested starting off with notepads & Greeting Cards & I still have some framed photography & Prints. I am waiting for the pricing to produce these items & praying that they won’t be to expensive.
I feel this will be the start of being able to do the iblong2the3in1 Ministry while supporting my family, I am feeling convicted to use the Testimony of God’s Mercy, Grace, Hope & Comfort he has shown me through everything he has brought me too & through. I am now thinking this is why he gave me the gift of photography & the story behind it as it is opening up doors to share my multitude of testimonies in different areas depending on who he brings into my path. I think I know the Ministry he has brought me to is to let people know that they can have a sense of belonging, through the Gospel of Jesus, no matter what they are facing belief in what Jesus has done for them is the way.
I went to the Dr.’s later on that day and received the results from my Mammogram, Blood Labs and my physical and other than my weight, my Arthritis & the apparent stress I am under I received a perfect bill of health. We are still waiting for the results of the CT. scan I received on Sat., I will cont. to pray for God’s hand in this as well.
Today I had spoken to the Canadian Cancer society as I am planning on donating my hair for wigs for cancer patients and I had already thought of doing it on Aug 20 and I had found out yesterday this would also be one of the days of the Abbotsford Art Counsels Festival. I don't think this was by chance. I told the lady from the C Cancer Society and asked if this would be a problem and she said she didn't see it as a problem as long as I got the Art Counsels permission and that they could supply me with a table wrap and donation boxes and all the stuff needed to help make it an event. She also suggested once I had all of the proposal details and they approved them that I should get in touch with the local radio stations & media centers and let them know what I was doing and they could do a build up to the event, She also said the Art Counsel might even set a time to do the hair cutting on the stage and advertise it for the festival. Ok is God taking me out of my comfort zone and pass my shyness and being in the public eye, this is what my daughter thinks.
Everything is moving so fast and the opportunity to support Cancer and get the gift God gave me out all rapped into one, another example of God taking my prayers & dreams way past my expectations.
I also spoke with a women from a program called Community Futures and she told me because I was on sick benefits I would not qualify for their program to help me start up my business, I know this might sound strange but this was so an answer to prayers as if I cont. with the program agreement that would have me state it would be free of religion and that was making me so uncomfortable as I felt I was being made to choose between what I believe and their help. God delivered me from making that decision and I thank him for that as how could I keep him out of this as this wouldn't be possible with out God.
Thank you Jesus for keeping me humble and when I start getting carried away bringing me back to remembering that I need you and that it is you that gets me through this world to one day be in your court, one day in your house because it is better than being anywhere else. I know Jesus that as I share in your sufferings I also share in your comfort, so that I may comfort those with the comfort you have given me. In Jesus Christ Name Amen.