A while back, I had felt God transforming my life after the trial & felt him pulling me in a different direction. I prayed back then for direction and being I was so unobservant could he please slam the doors that needed to be slammed and open the ones that needed to be opened. I believe yesterday when I was let go from my work do to circumstances beyond any of our control this was God slamming one of the doors in my life. I knew when I went home last week that this was most likely the out come.
I wasn't feeling a hundred percent yesterday but I didn't feel it was fair to any of us to put off the inevitable, so I went to work. As I was getting ready to go, I commanded that the demons in my life return to the pit of hell to never return and I prayed for God to speak through me, plus give me strength at work because I have athlete's tongue & babbling brook syndrome(I keep sticking my foot in my mouth & tears ). When I arrived at work I was walking to the door I could feel God's presence & he showed me the cutest little baby bunny all alone in the garden & Mathew 6:25-34 came into my thoughts, I knew at that moment everything was going to be ok. I walked through that time at work witnessing God do has I asked, he spoke through me. I saw God use this moment that should have been a moment of sadness & turned it into a moment to witness my faith to those I cared for and giving me a sense of closer to my purpose he had for me there.
I strangely feel at peace, fear is not present even though it was expected.
I had time to think & pray after I came home from work and three options came to mind of what could be done now.
(1) I can continue to detail RVs & Vehicles from home as I have all the same stuff at home as I had at work.
(2) I can teach detailing as I have 5 yrs experience and it was not my work that found me getting let go from work. My absences do to medical appointments & stuff for my children & me, was the reason for the termination. I actually received a positive five year congratulations/appreciation letter & gift with my termination papers and was assured it was not my work, as I was a hard worker, it was my attendance.
(3) I can start promoting my Photography locally in some of the small businesses use it to support my family & anything received more than the wage I received at work would be donated.
I had went to Northview on Tuesday for guidance to help form a plan that is biblical as we go through another trial & beginning of a new season in our lives.
I will be returning to Wellsprings Counseling for prayer counselling starting next week, during this time.
Father what else can I do but praise you through this. Father I thank you for giving me the assurance of feeling your presence with me through these days. Thank you for shining your light on a path that should be in this worlds view dark. Father during this time could you put me on a short leash so that if I start to stray you can pull me back quickly. Father please shower your peace over my family & help them lean on Faith rather then understanding. Help us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. I Praise you God! In Jesus Christ Name Amen.
This is a Journey of trying to walk in faith & try to stay aligned with the will of God. I am sure I will stumble & I know God will pick me back up. I will try to be as unmasked as I can be.
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