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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ok What Else, I can't believe I just asked that question....

I sit hear just absolutely dumb founded, I am in shock, I really don't know what to say to my baby girl( not that in University she can be called a baby).

Today while I was experiencing the peace & joy return as my load was getting lighter as I placed my burdens at the foot of the cross once again, my daughter was being informed that there was a car accident and one of her friends was killed & the other was fighting for her life and wasn't expected to make it. I honestly don't know what to say as she is faced with more tragedy. She is so numb, with not a tear left to cry.

Please pray for all those involved!

I sit in shock how much can one family endure, obviously allot as long as Christ stays the center, because only by the grace of God are we still standing.

I would have loved to share a song I didn't realize I had on my I Pod until God brought it to me for the first time yesterday. " Get There" by Willie "P-Dub" Moore, wow it almost felt like it was written for me at this moment in time as it explains allot. I am unable to find a link to it to share with you.


Nicki said...

Thank you Steve, I'm following.

Covnitkepr1 said...

I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

Nicki said...

Thank you covnitkepr1, I have added myself to yours.