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Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 30,2013

Happy Easter!!
He Has Risen!!!!!

Luke 24:1-12

March 30, 2013

Dear Father,

Father I cannot lift enough praises to you that will even express how great you are!!

Father words can not express how grateful I am for what you have done in my life.

Father thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Secret Church: Heaven, Hell and the End of the World, on the night of Good Friday. Thank you for the affirmation it gave me to what you have been teaching me and for the thought provoking teachings about the care of our physical bodies now and cremation vs being buried, as our bodies will be renewed with our spirit.

Father I come to you for forgiveness, as I found myself snapping at my mother, not for something she did but for the battle I was internally fighting. I feel my call for my life to walk with you in complete dependency while sharing the Gospel with the unreached  and the lost. I all so feel the hold of my Mom's dependency on me and the love I have for her. I am feeling torn, as I know my mom fears her future without my support.Father I am feeling torn between my love for you and the love for my mother.

Father is there a way I can do what you are asking me and leave my mom secure in what she needs from me. Father if there is please help me to see. I want to follow you, my heart is burden for those who do not have a relationship with you.

You have given me a glimpse into what those who do not except you will face and it brings me great pain and sorrow to think that this is their future if they don't except you, as their future is filled with eternal torment where their thirst will never be quenched.

Father how can I know what I know now and not make spreading your Good News a priority in my life. How can I become complacent,sit back and watch people  loose their lives to spend an eternity in Hell. When you want to give them salvation through the Life, Death and Resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ.

You brought me to the edge of Hell, but you also brought me to the edge of Heaven. I was given a glimpse into your Glory when you dried my tears and showed me your loving, joyous, beautiful presence as you filled me with your love and peace beyond understanding.

I want all to experience the gift of Salvation, that is waiting for all who believe and except what Jesus did for them.

Father I love you more than life itself. You have shown me a portion of your love you have for me and in that the hope of an amazing future with you.

Father I ask that you set me free to do your will, let my will be put away to never return. Father take charge of every nook and cranny of my life and being. I come to you with empty hands and an open heart. I ask you to use me for your glory, if it is your will.

No words I say and nothing I ever do will ever measure up to what you have done for me. Thank you Father!!

Father I hold up to you all who are grieving a loved one. Father may you flood them with your comfort, love, strength and peace beyond understanding.

Father I lift up to you all who come, live and learn in El Tizate, may your love abound in them and may they have a personal relationship with you.

Father I lift up to you little Bryan and his family, may they be flooded with your Holy Spirit and walk in your shelter daily.
In Jesus Name Amen.

He loves you too!! You are his treasure!! The precise words you use to accept Jesus into your life don't matter, he knows your intention. If you are unsure of what to pray, this might help you put it into words: "Jesus, I want to know you. I want you to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin so that I could be fully accepted by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish. Amen" 
You are so loved more than you will ever know!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 28, 2013

Mathew 27, Isaiah 53-1-6,Mathew 16:23-25

Dear Father,

Thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, who knew your plans for him and he walked in perfect obedience anyways. When they came for him he did not war battle, but he went with them willingly knowing his path, marked with suffering, so that we could be saved from our transgressions.

Father we have been asked, if we are to follow Jesus, to deny ourselves and take up our cross. Father help me when my flesh fails to continue to deny myself and take up my cross.

Father I thank you for your mercy and grace you have given to me. Thank you Father for flooding me with your love, joy and peace beyond understanding in all of my circumstances.

Father thank you for the blessing of the hockey tickets, I won at work, so that I can spend time with out with my son doing something I know he will enjoy.

Father thank you for the blessing of people at my work approaching me in personal conversation, something I am not use to, but quite enjoy.

Father I come to you in confusion and ask you to help me understand what is true and right in you. You have been teaching me to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as I am lead by the Holy Spirit in matters of my walk with you. I have noticed a pattern in your teaching to me. You take me through an experiences and then through the Holy Spirit I am brought to a scripture in the Bible that teaches me the way I should walk through  the situation and then you affirm it through the teaching of the sermon at Church. I am finding my confusion is coming from hearing Pastors speak about studying the scripture and hearing we should search out resources that are from man's interpretation of your word and there is no reference being made to coming to You, Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit for clarity or guidance.

Father I ask you to bring the Church back to you as there teacher, if this is your will.

Father I lift all the friends and family of Virginia up to you Lord, fill them with your love, comfort and peace. Father protect and guide them through their grief.

Father I lift my daughter up to you, as she faces her fears. Father she goes Saturday to have her infected wisdom teeth removed, fill her with your love, comfort and peace, cut away with the sword of the Spirit her fear and free her from it.

Father I lift my son up to you. He is unknowingly allowing video games to control his life, it was so innocent in the beginning. Father bring him to awareness of the control it has taken over his everyday life, as like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Free him from the snare and bondage of the enemy.

Father I lift the people of the school in El Tizate, El Tizate and Little Bryan up to you fill them with your love, mercy,grace, and Holy Spirit. Guide them and protect them.

Father I continue to ask you to take charge of every nook and cranny of my being and life. I surrender my will to you replace it with yours. Father help me to deny myself and pick up my cross daily.
In Jesus Name through the Holy Spirit Amen.

I received news today March 29 that a dear friends Father has gone home to be with our Lord, please pray for her and her family. God knows their names. Thank you! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 27,2013

Luke 9:10-17

Dear Father,

You are greater than we could ever imagine.

Father thank you for your peace beyond understanding, as you have taught me how to trust in you in any and all circumstances.

Father you have so been my provider, in so many ways. I ask for your forgiveness as I allowed a small seed of doubt and worry creep in when I said I would walk in faith and go on this missions trip even knowing this would not all be covered by my vacation pay, as I only had a weeks worth.

Father you have provided for me to survive till the next payday. You have provided for me to have the Papaya that you have asked me to consume. Thank you!!

Father I thank you for the opportunity today to share my experience on the missions trip to Guatemala. I take great joy talking about you!

Father I come to you asking for continued provision of your mercy, grace,peace,joy,love and the Holy Spirit in the lives of those morning their loved one that you have called home, for the youth missions team and their leaders, for the school in El Tizate and everyone who enters the gate, for little Bryan and his family and for the community of El Tizate. Father guide them, protect them and cover them with the blood of Jesus. Father cut away with the sword of the Spirit anything that is not of you and return it to the pit of hell where it belongs to never return.

Father I ask you to cut away with the sword of the Spirit any doubt or anxiety that may creep into my mind these next couple of weeks till my full paycheck returns. Father I ask for your continued provision, like the fishes and the loaves.

Father I continue to ask that you take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words and my actions. Father I am yours do with my life what is pleasing to you and will glorify your name. I am yours reign in me, let your will be done in my life not mine.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 26,2013

John 6:43-45

Dear Father,

Thank you for the gift of Salvation, for allowing your only begotten son to carry our sentence of guilty, even though he held no guilt. He carried the weight of our sin and our transgressions and He paid the ultimate price for us, as He died on the cross. He rose again three days later and the veil was torn so that we could enter into a personal relationship with you through Jesus. We were given a hope that even if our flesh fails us we will have eternal life, if we accept what Jesus has done and asked for forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Father you know our heart.

Father today you brought one of your precious children home where a place has been prepared for her in your mansion, as you have healed her of her suffering.

Father I ask you to be with her husband and her three daughters who have been left behind, as there journey towards home is not complete yet, as well as the rest of the family and friends, as they walk through the valley of grief, as they miss the one they love. Father may your comfort surround them, may your strength strengthen them, fill them with your Holy Spirit and flood them with your peace beyond understanding. Father Guard their thoughts from the author of lies. Father I ask you to cover them with the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ.

Father I ask you to comfort my heart,as it breaks for this family, for I know the love they had for one and other. Father I continue to come to you and ask that you take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words and my actions. I surrender Father, consume me from the inside out, transform me. I come to you asking for your forgiveness of my sins and transgressions. Father take me to the river and cleanse me of all that is not pure, so that I am white as snow in your sight.

Father I ask you to be with the youth team and their leaders, as they are down in Guatemala, let your will be done in their lives and draw them closer to you than they have ever been. Father protect them and cover them with the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ.

I ask the same for the school, little Bryan and El Tizate Father.

In Jesus Precious Name Amen.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 25,2013

Isaiah 26

Dear Father,

Thank you for everything you have done and everything you are doing!!

Thank you for teaching me how to pray and that the only prayer that I need is a prayer of surrender to You, giving you an open door to transform my life back to what was meant to be.

Father thank you for Greg's sermon that reaffirmed all that you have been teaching me, on what it means to walk with you. We were not meant to be consumers of our faith but in a close relationship with you.

Father thank you me a boldness to speak your truths when speaking about our walk with you to other in person, an area that use to be very difficult for me to do. Thank you for delivering me from my shyness that use to hold me prisoner.

Father thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit for me on Sunday, when I was speaking with a couple at church and testifying to your love and perfect plan for the scars of our past. Thank you for the Holy Spirit speaking your truths into my conversation with my dear friend.

Father I have noticed when the Holy Spirit speaks through me I don't remember the details of what was said, but am left with insight into my walk with you and I am left with weakness like I have spent out great energy from me, part of me is curious to why this is and I think part of me knows.

Father tonight I read on Facebook that it was close to you calling one of your children home, as her family speaks their good byes. Father I ask that you comfort them, give them your peace and strength. Father be with her and her family and friends as this takes place. Protect them from the author of lies and cover them with the blood of Jesus.

Father I also lift up the Youth Missions team that are in Guatemala right now and their families that are left behind. Father transform them through this experience to bring you the glory. Protect them Father and cover them with the blood of Jesus.

Father I also lift up the school in El Tizate and El Tizate itself Father. Flood this place with your Holy Spirit transform lives and Bless the students and staff so that they can shine your light bright in this community. Protect them and cut away with the sword of the spirit anything that is not of you and cover them with the blood of Jesus.

Father I pray for little Bryan, may your will be done in his life, flood him with the Holy Spirit, give him wisdom into the way you want him to walk. Father walk with him today and let your presence known to him. May he seak you above all else.

Father I continue to ask you to take charge of every nook and cranny of my being and life, take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words, and my actions. Father I surrender, let your will be done in my life not mine. Consume me from the inside out and transform me into the person you intended me to be. Father forgive me of my sins and what doesn't glorify you in my life. Wash me clean, so I can be white as snow. Father I love you more than life itself.

In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 17,2013

Dear Father,

I have to thank you for this day and your presence that was so felt in it. I love you more than words could ever express!

Thank you for the breakfast my son and I have together every Sunday before Church. Thank you for calming the questions in my head of doubt that isn't you, that has been speaking into my thoughts, by speaking scripture into my thoughts over the lies, reaffirming your truth over me. Thank you for reaffirming what you have been teaching me through the sermon at Church today.

I am missing what I had with you in Guatemala, as I don't have that freedom here, you tell me you too were rejected by where you grew up, for the walk you were on. Thank you for reminding me of the call you have asked me to walk, to go out into this world and share the comfort and the love you have been to me in my life with those of this world.

Father thank you for the time spent with Linda this morning, as the conversation was so in unity of what you have been teaching both of us, about Holy Spirit and how it is through the Holy Spirit we find strength and guidance to walk with Jesus and do God's will.

Father I ask for your forgiveness of my sins. Father consume and take charge of every nook and cranny of my being and life.
I pray this through the Holy Spirit, In Jesus Name Amen. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 16,2013

I have decided to attempt to write in a Journal every day since this is a habit, even though a not consistent habit at this point, that I was getting use to in Guatemala and will keep it in the style of righting to our Father in Heaven.

I am hoping as time passes this will be come automatic or the Holy Spirit starts convicting me  the same as I have been taught to fall on my knees in prayer every morning as I roll out of bed and every night as I roll into bed and yes if I forget the Holy Spirit is right their to convict me till I am on  my knees in prayer.

I have to confess until I started to pray a prayer of surrender I had never prayed on my knees until I found myself one morning with out a thought rolling out of my bed onto my knees in prayer and there has been no turning back since.

Here is my Journal Entry for March 16, 2013: ( we will see how the Holy Spirit works on me, over time, to make this consistent, as through me and my lack of an attention span it will definitely take the Holy Spirit. Maybe you could help by praying for the Holy Spirit to work in this area of my life. Gracias)

Dear Father,

You are the almighty, all powerful, all knowing God, the one and only true God. I thank you for this day.

I ask you Father to bath me in the river of life and purify me and wash away all my sins. Father forgive me of my sins and all that doesn't please You.

Father I ask for your healing hand on my body as I have now had this bug I picked up in Guatemala for 2 weeks now.

Father I thank you for allowing me to take my mask off and allow me to be real. Thank you for delivering me from the fear and shame that use to hold me captive in chains.

Thank you for allowing me to share with a dear friend on Facebook. I pray Father that she didn't just read the prayer, but prayed it as well Father, excepting what you have for her by inviting you into her heart.

Facebook exert from conversation(friends name removed for privacy sake):

Friend: "I envy you Nicki, I envy your faith, your belief, I wish I knew how to have such."

Me:"I didn't create this Faith or belief , God has. I was a God hating, cursing girl that was invited to a coffee connections at a church and said no way until I was enticed by the free day care as my two little ones liked to sleep on opposite shifts. I then through time started realizing I was searching for something I couldn't find until I was introduced to who Jesus was and the Hope & Love he brought, a hope & love I wanted for my children a hope & love I never knew, so I started taking them to Sunday service and that is when I heard the invitation to except Jesus into my life and I excepted and my life has never been the same as he has healed my life and brought me to a place of a relationship and a love for Him. You to can have this too!! He loves you too!! You are his treasure!! The precise words you use to accept Jesus into your life don't matter, he knows your intention. If you are unsure of what to pray, this might help you put it into words: "Jesus, I want to know you. I want you to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin so that I could be fully accepted by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish. Amen" You are so loved more than you will ever know!! (( ♥ Hugs ♥ ))"

Father I ask you to protect her and her family from the author of lies, guide her Father. Father I ask you to fill her with your Holy Spirit.

Father I surrender my life to you, change me consume me from the inside out, let your will be done, not mine.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 11 in Guatemala

Day 11 in Guatemala: Ephesians 4:1-6, Philippians 4:6-7


Thank you for this day and the blessing of all the children and there response when we sang them a song in Spanish, for their prayers over us and the swarm of hugs. Thank you Father for little Brian who did not miss one morning, in the 9 days of school we attended devotional in, of giving me one of his beautiful hugs. Thank you for the opportunity to sponsor little Brian.! He holds a peace of my heart.

(My apologies ahead of time if I have spelled names wrong)

Thank you Father Haydee, Carla, Juice, Eva, Juliana, Rebecca  Karina,Kats, Louis,Jarvien  and all those I have missed writing down there names, as I know them but names have always escaped me. Father poor out a special blessing on them, as they shine your light into these children's lives.

Father it was so hard to say Good-bye today, as we packed up to head for the hotel in Antigua. I can't believe the two weeks is coming to an end already.

Father thank you for showing me that the poverty and culture may be different but our need for you is just the same. You are the only answer to healing that will fix what is broken in our lives.

Father it has been such a blessing to have the opportunity to get to know the members of the pastorate that were able to come on this journey and Martha, Varina and Steve. You have brought me to a more personal level with them and a place of trust with them.

Father I come to you for forgiveness for all that I have done that does not Glorify you. Father wash me clean  in the river of life, consume me from the inside out, taking charge of every nook and cranny of my being, take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words and my actions.
I pray this in Jesus name through the Holy Spirit Amen.

Email update for Day 11:  

Hi Everyone,

I am writing to you from our Antiguan hotel. Just a short email. Sorry it was not in your inbox for when you got home from work! A good wrap-up in Tizate this morning, the team was pleased to see the house with the roof put on, and we spent a few hours just finishing up some things. Elongated goodbyes at the school…all of those people really grow on you. Even in 12 days believe it or not.

Final lunch in the host families, we took then took off for a coffee tour for 1:30pm and after that arrived here at our hotel at 4pm or so. Just a laid back time, we went to the artisan markets for some last minute purchases, had a FABULOUS dinner (ask someone about it) and are now crashing for the night. The team will head to the airport tomorrow at 10am and will soon be back with all of you!

Thanks for following this trip and praying for us.



Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 10 in Guatemala

Day 10 in Guatemala: Mathew 25:31-46, Jeremiah 29:11-13

Father I thank you for walking with me again today. What a blessing it was to help give hampers instead of receiving them and to connect with the families that received them Father.

Thank you Father for using my past scars to help encourage a single dad, who lost his wife in a slide, as I shared part of my testimony. When he received the hamper, I knew the struggle with pride and self worth he was facing.

Thank you Father for allowing me to connect with the pain of one of the other recipients Father who's husband had just walked out on her and her children. Father witnessing the strength and wisdom she has in you and the hope you have given her. I lift them all up to you Lord, heal the brokenness Lord in their lives,

The third family Lord we were told the husband is lazy and won't work. Father I ask that you cut away with the sword of the spirit the laziness Father and mend the brokenness in this family as well.

Father I learned from you that the culture and poverty may be different, but the brokenness and pain  is the same and there is only one who can heal and restore the brokenness and that is you, if the lost come home you can mend their brokenness and pain. I know this because you have done this in my life.

Father all I want is you, forgive me Father for what is in my life that does not Glorify you. Father consume me from the inside out. Take charge of every nook and cranny of my being and life. I surrender, let your will reign in my life, not mine.
I pray this in Jesus Name Amen.

Email Update for Day 10: 

Hi Everyone,

Quick "Day 10", we are off in 10 minutes for our final evangelism time here in Guatemala. Thanks for the prayer coverage! Last night we had a time of sharing just about our time here thus far in Guatemala and it was really neat to hear everything the Lord has been doing in people's hearts. All kinds of stuff! I was encouraged to hear one team member share about how ever since we went out last Wednesday to evangelize for the first time, every day since then he's been thinking about how he can go home and share Christ with his co-workers. Isn't that amazing! It's been like one giant icebreaker for a number of people. Praise God! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this afternoon.

This was our second-to-last morning of service here in Tizate. Clint and Stephen did some table assembling this morning, a few last minute carpentry pieces for our team facility here. Mom gave the pila in the compound a makeover (thanks Mom!) as it's been run-down looking for the last 7 years. Martha finished up training our accountants on a new software program, Verena and Sabrina continued in the school with their various commitments, Dad returned to fixing last minute mechanical issues, Len and Dave kept hauling on the tile, and MJ, Nikki and I went with our school pastor Jervin to visit three families, deliver grocery hampers, and share Christ! It was great. Some super heart-breaking situations, it is so good to be LIGHT in darkness. Amen.

Church tonight. can't wait.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 9 in Guatemala

Day 9 in Guatemala: Colossians  1:11, Isaiah 43:1-3a


Thank you for another day! What a blessing it was to go to Love Guatemala's soup kitchen and put a face to Judy who I had been Fb Praying with and to see what their Ministry is doing. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share your love through my testimony while we were there. Thank you for allowing me to encourage the missionaries in the work they are doing.

Thank you Father for the team I was with taking a vote to allow me to sleep after lunch, as this cold in my head made me so weak as the fever set in.

Thank you Father for our Spanish Teachers full of love, patience and a wonderful sense of humor.

Father our missions trip is coming to an end as you know and I am going so going to miss everyone here in Guatemala, it has so become my second home.

Father I will so miss the devotional with the children every morning and the love they have for you! and for each other.

Father I will also miss the Church services, as the worship for you is so filled with such energy, joy and passion for you, as they celebrate you with all they have,

Father thank you for allowing me to be me and allowing my to share your Testimonies of love in my life with those around me and use them to encourage instead of what the enemy intended use to destroy.

Father I come to you now and ask that you continue to change me from the inside out. Father take care and charge of my thoughts, my spoken words, my ears, my hands & my feet. Only let me do your will, not mine. I ask for your forgiveness for what I have done that does not Glorify you Father. Take me to the river and wash me clean, so I am white as snow.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Day 9 Email update:

We are almost into the double digits!

Final spanish class starts in 5 minutes. We are going to practice a song that the team started to learn in Canada already when they took a few spanish classes with a teacher named Bety (thanks Bety!) They didn't quite get the song downpat, so we're going to do so now and at some point (perhaps Thursday) sing it in front of the student body during the devotional, accompanied by Len on the accordion! Should be fun.

I have learned how to spell A-C-C-O-R-D-I-O-N during these emails. I thought it was an "-ian" at the end. But It is not!

(funny story: I had said to one of our staff here the other day in Spanish, "Carlos, can you bring up the accordions that are down below in the facility?" but I didn't really know the word for it in Spanish, so I just made up what I thought it would be (usually works) and said something like "los acordianos" but Carlos heard, "a los coreanos" and he was a little confused but nodded his head and said, "Sí, sí" he would bring them up, but Julianna was there (fluent in Spanish and English) and she started laughing and laughing because what I had actually said was, "Carlos, can you bring the Koreans up the hill?" and that's what he heard (and was rightfully confused) but he nodded his head despite his confusion that yes, he would go look for and bring up these Koreans that were apparently here unbeknownst to him! LOL. There's a laugh for you today. Ah, languages.

Just to clarify then: "accordion" is spelt "ION" In English and in Spanish the word is: ACORDEÓN.

This morning most of the team went to visit Love Guatemala, the ministry of Phil and Judy Bergen. They are just 10 minutes away from where we are and are stationed in Jocotenango. It was great to hear Phil and Judy share a bit about their ministry and the things that they are involved with. We had some good conversation with them, met some of their volunteers, and helped a bit with some soup distribution.

This afternoon everyone carried on with our service projects, minus Heather & MJ who made a trip into town to assemble a few grocery hampers. These grocery hampers were in our annual Christmas Catalogue and the amount purchased through the catalogue is the amount of families that we are able to bless with some food and household items. So they had fun shopping for that and tomorrow morning we will be able to distribute them to some families in the area. I'll send out a few of the team with Jervin, our school pastor/devotional teacher. He has the families picked out already. One of the families is living up in the fields beyond the school, probably squatting, and the kids aren't in any school at all. So it is an opportunity to not only give away food in the name of Christ to a family who needs it, but also to build relationship and hopefully encourage the father to put his kids in school. So important!

There are a few minor colds going around in the group, but I am so pleased with the general health of the team. It has been quite extraordinary. MJ has a nasty eye infection that has been bothering her during the trip, and I'm sure a country with more-than-the-usual amount of dust in the air is causing further agitation. Please pray for healing!



Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 8 in Guatemala

Day 8 in Guatemala: 2 Corinthians 4:5-12, Isaiah 40:31


Thank you for this day and all the blessings that were in it. Thank you for bringing me to Guatemala, so I could connect with Kat. Thank you for the blessing she was to me, by allowing me to share my testimony with her from beginning to end and her questions and sharing with me.

I have never felt so free to share with anyone in person before and it was such a blessing to do so in full discloser and be understood.

Father teach me what I need to do with the gift you have given me. I see what I see, but no one else does.

Father thank you for allowing me to see your angel tonight, instead of the dark shadows, I normally see. What great peace and love surrounds your angels.

We prayed for a Dad and Son on the teams Dad/Grandpa and then we sang a song suiting to the prayer and then Kat prayed at the end of it for their Dad/Grandpa one more time and as I was going to close my eyes for the second song right after the prayer I caught a person dressed in bright white and leather sandals walk through the circle we were sitting in and I came to realize nobody had moved from their seats and everyone was still singing. I saw your angel in bright white, I did not see the face as I could not look up, walk into the center of the circle and then was gone. ( as I type this in the blog I am hearing a voice saying it was me, not an angel. Jesus was it you? I have a strong sense it was, Father please give me peace if it was your Son, ok, I am not to familiar with what I am experiencing in this moment, as I type and will need to sit in prayer with our Father to understand) Father thank you for letting me know what you wanted me to do with what you let me see and thank you for Kat's guidance to pray and ask you what to do with it. Thank you for your guidance in letting the Dad know that you are very present in their family right now.

Father continue to consume my life and take charge of every nook and cranny of my life, transform me from the inside out, let your will be done, not mine. Flood me with your Holy Spirit, so that it can overflow into those around me.
Through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name Amen.

Email update for Day 8 in Guatemala:

Hello People,

Well I am so so happy this afternoon because I got to spend 2 hours gardening which turns out to be a love in my life, one only discovered about a year ago. Nikki and I had a great time getting everything in tip-top shape around here. I love edifying conversation.

There is visible progress going on, which is always encouraging. Len and Clint are still on tile duty and every day we get closer to finishing. I have posted another batch of photos of our facebook page, and there are some of the tiling there that you can see.

Our principal found out that Sabrina with her experience as a TA has worked with children with special needs and as such we've paired her up with one of our teacher's who has a girl in her class with dyslexia I think. There is absolutely zero training down here on how to deal with special needs, so the entire Guatemalan education system remains ignorant on how to address that. What a blessing that Sabrina can take some time to equip our staff.

Construction continues and I think Wednesday the roof is going on the house.

We've switched Dave over onto some carpentry duty to finish some needs that we have in house here for the facility.

Tomorrow morning those that wish will have the opportunity to go and visit Phil & Judy Bergen, fellow missionaries from Northview that are working just 15 minutes away from us. We have connected with them over the years, and it will be neat for those from Northview to get to know their ministry as well.

There are a few minor colds in the team, but nothing that has taken anybody out. Thank you for your continued prayers for health and safety.

Crazy that this is Day 8 already.

Thanks for following,


Day 7 in Guatemala

Day 7 in Guatemala: Mark 10:43-45, Proverbs 3:5-6


You are Everything, you are mighty, awesome all powerful God. Thank you for making a way for me to attend church.

Thank you for providing the girl, I met at the first host family lunch, and her family, what a blessing it was as she translated the service to English for her mom and I was aloud to listen in.( They don't normally attend this church but because of the procession in the town celebrating one of the Catholic Saints, they couldn't make it to where they normally attend.)

 Thank you for bringing me back to Mathew 10 one more time, through the sermon. I here your call for my life. I know you want me to walk in complete Faith and Trust with You. I don't know how to answer people when they want to know what you are directing me to do. I don't know the words Father. I know you want me to walk in discipleship like the disciples did, with nothing of me but all of You. I know you have asked me if I would die for my faith and in saying yes, it gives me great peace and joy. Father you keep bringing me back to the verses like: Mathew 10, Mathew 4:18-22,Luke 9:1-6, Luke 14:25-33. I only hear one thing, " Come follow Me, leave everything, just come with the clothes on your back and carry your cross, you will die for the kingdom, you will die for your faith, you will die for Christ." How do you explain this??

Father thank you for the angel you sent me today, on the volcano. When I prayed to you not knowing how I would make it, as the bug I caught was taking my breath away. You sent him to say the same words the Prophet told me, bringing laughter and joy to my heart, knowing you were there.

Father I ask you to take me to the river and cleanse me, change me from the inside out, take charge of everything in me and that flows out of me.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Day 7 Email Update:

Buenas Noches,

Well it has been a great weekend. Some good mornings to sleep in (back to the 6:30am breakfast tomorrow!) and some good time to allow bodies to rest and recover a bit as well.

Last night we had a great dinner in town. It was SO cold out. Like, incredibly cold outside. I think it was one of the coldest nights in all of the 7 years I've been travelling down here! Weird! But today was burning hot in the daytime. T.I.G!

We went in this morning and had several hours of free time in Antigua where people wandered the Artisan markets and grabbed a bite to eat. 8 of the team headed out for the volcano tour at 2pm and just shortly got back here in town not that long ago. The rest of us (MJ, my parents, Martha and I) just meandered around town and had a quiet and relaxing day.

Tomorrow back at it!

The volcano crew had an above-average tour, witnessing one of the surrounding volcanoes erupt a little! Apparently it does so about once a month, and they were there to witness it! (I'm a little jealous).

See for yourself.

Until Tomorrow,


Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 6 in Guatemala

Day 6 in Guatemala: John 17:16-18, Psalm 37:3-4


I love you!! Thank you for returning and healing my sight, so I could read your word with ease and for returning my hearing so I can hear what you want me to hear. Father give me strength and peace and tuck me under your wing of righteousness. protect me from the evil one who tries to bring me down and away from you. Father please cloak me in your full Armour, so when the enemy attacks I through you can defend myself against his lies and manipulation.  Father help me have peace when I am rejected and feel like I don't belong. I know I will always belong with you, no one can separate me from your love.

Father my throat is swelling and it makes me cough lots. Father I ask you to put your healing hand on my body and restore it, if it is your will.

Father their are no words to describe how much I love you! I will never be able to comprehend how much you love me.

Thank you for opening the doors for me to go to church this morning, with Rebecca.

Father I ask you now to fill me with the Holy Spirit, take charge of every nook and cranny of my life, change me from the inside out. Father may the Holy Spirit be my translator this morning as I go to hear your word in Spanish. Let the words of your truth fill me.
I pray this through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Amen.

Email update for Day 6:

Buenas Tardes,

Saturday! It's good. What a great sleep in for people today, good stuff. Clint wanted boots, so I had a boot-maker come by at 8am and turns out he had a lot more customers than expected! Yow for cowboy boots.

We went up for a time with our pastors Julianna and Jacobo at 9am for a time of teaching. That was great to get us focused on the Great Commission before going out again this afternoon for our second evangelism time. Today, we had our principal Karina and another staff member Luis join us to lead groups. Luis pastors a church in a nearby town called Parramos, so we sent two of the four teams to Parramos to help evangelise in his city there. The other two groups headed to Antigua. We just got back to Tizate here at 4pm, for a time of debrief and testimony sharing. Some really heavy burdens that the groups ran into today, lots of really serious illnesses that needed prayer, another group spoke with a guy who had been in a recovery house (one that is connected with the church here) but he had relapsed last week and was too ashamed to go back. That group was able to speak with him for a really long time, encouraging him, speaking truth into his life. That ended in tears and prayers. Anyways, just incredible that we as Christians can be light "LUZ" and hope "ESPERANZA" and love "AMOR" to all of those people today. Lots of great opportunities, praise the Lord.

Can you believe it, is it raining right now in Tizate. Dry season. But rain. ?

We are going in for a nice dinner tonight in Antigua. Our thanks to such a fantastic group of servants who have given of their time, finances, have worked in the heat, have strained their muscles, have served Guatemala for the Lord. How awesome is that?

Thanks everyone for your prayers,


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 5 in Guatemala

Day 5 in Guatemala: Proverbs 10:19-21, Psalm 32:6-8

Oh Father,

I cannot praise you enough, for all that you have done in my life and all that you are doing in my life. Thank you for loving me and letting your Son Jesus die for my sins, on the cross. Thank you for caring for me and removing me from the construction site and bring me to a place, making resources for the school, I could feel like I was a help not a hinderence.

Wow last night, you brought us to the Prophets of the church Lord, forgive me for the seed of skepticism that was in my heart. Father I knew it was you speaking truths into me through the Prophets, as many things I had never told those around me. Thank you Father for restoring my hearing & my sight. Father please give me the ability to breath the way you taught me too, in through my nose and out through my mouth, as many times I forget to take a breath at all. Father remove all the fear and anxiety around eating Papayas & Olive Oil for the 40 days you have asked me too. Father remove the fear and anxiety of not eating red meat and possibly meat at all for 40 days, as that only leaves the foods I avoid.

Father consume me from the inside out. Father take my hands and let them be your hands, take my feet and let them be your feet, take my ears and let them be your ears, take my eyes and let them be your eyes, take my thoughts and let them be your thoughts. Father I surrender my life to you. Father I love you and would die for you, if you asked me too.
In Jesus Christ name through the Holy Spirit Amen.

Email Update for Day 5:

Buenas Tardes a todos,

Well, it's that time again! Let's see. Let's see what I've got for you. Last night Len, Dave and I vamos-ed to church for a worship practice. That was good fun, although we only played through one song, accordian special for Len, as it is quite tricky rhythmically and took a while to figure out. Because the neighbours start throwing rocks on the roof at 9pm (true story) we didn't have time to practice any other song, although we'll be doing the service bilingually next Wednesday night. So Dave and I will just wing it vocally! The rest of the team had the night off. Needed.

Today, we were back in our service tasks. We switched some people around a bit to give bodies a break from the manual labour of construction, so that was good. I intended to go down to the site, but got caught in the accounting cross-fires and ended up translating for 2 hours between our Canadian accountant and our Guatemalan accountant. Although it may seem boring to you, WE ARE SO BLESSED that Martha is able to set our accountant up down here on the same program as our Canadian offices. Soooooo good. Goodbye excel worksheets.

Here's a praise item: EVERYONE IS IN GREAT HEALTH! That is totally awesome. I am thankful. Please continue to pray for that. Usually someone is down and out over bowel issues, or dehydration or something, but this team is doing great.

Tomorrow we are going out in the afternoon for our second evangelism time. That will be in the afternoon. Thank you for your prayers.

Because I have fallen in love with the long-lost Accordion, here is a love poem that I have written to share with you all:

O sweet, melodious Accordion
Where have you been all my life?
Who can say why our world has so rejected you?
Disowned you?
Moved "beyond" you?
You have captured my heart with your black and white keys
Your tones that please
Your buttons that tease
The fingers that so deftly master you.
You are more classy than any that vie
For attention by your si…de
More classy than trumpet, than guitar, than flute
These instruments when compared to you, are moot.

Katrina Janzen
Canadian Director

Day 4 in Guatemala

Day 4: Romans 15:2 & 5-6, Deuteronomy 31:8


Today was a difficult day, but through that you brought me your truths to cover the lies of the enemy. I felt like woke in a battle from a wait on my soul, but through your love and presence I felt the enemy fleeing below my feet. I could feel my feet on fire during devotionals.

You came to me and spoke through me as I prayed for one of the teachers, at devotions. I knew these were not my words, as these were your words for your beautiful child of yours, your treasure.

I found the enemy trying to fill my head with lies all day Father. I found my thoughts betraying me, as we worked. I found I couldn't do as much as I thought I could & wanted too. I started to feel like a failure and that I was letting those in my group down, as you kept reminding me through out the day that I was your child and you loved me.I was then bombarded with the thoughts that I do not fit in with any of the group, but you said all I need is you and you loved me.

Father I know these are the lies and schemes of the devil, to try to derail me from walking with you. I will choose not to believe lies, as I am your child Precious in your sight and loved by you and created for a purpose and to all be your Glory.

Father fill me with your Holy Spirit, let it flow out of me into those around me, consume me and take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words, my actions and every nook and cranny of my being. Father I give you my life as a living sacrifice. I know why I am alive. I am alive to Glorify your name.  Father I would die for you!!I love you more than life itself.
I pray this through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Email update for day 4:

Buenas Tardes,

Thanks everyone for your prayers for yesterday. We had a great afternoon in Antigua. Positive experiences for everyone. We sent out four groups, led by four of our bilingual staff members down here. What a great time. Every group had the opportunity, if not several, to pray with people on the streets of Antigua. One group was 45 minutes LATE for coming back to regroup and debrief and share testimony, so we only actually heard from two groups who went out. The one group was so late because they were caught up with 5 women, sharing and praying for them and encouraging them and it was amazing. I knew something was going down, so I wasn't upset at their tardiness! One team member has written out their team's experience, and I will attach it on the bottom of this email for further reading if you so desire!

Dinner in town, church last night, SO GREAT! I really appreciated the theme and as one team member commented, it fit in quite nicely with our afternoon activity. That God would open our SPIRITUAL eyes to see what God is doing/wants to do and not just see life through natural eyes. Such a great look at the several bible stories going alongside that topic. YE-AH.

Back at it today. Len and Clint are hauling on tiling the floor in our ESL apartment (have I already mentioned what a God-send they are? GOD-SEND.) looks like we'll even get to painting next week. Dad (my dad is in this group, and mom…BLESSED) is being the genius fix-all that he is and getting our equipment serviced and up to snuff (not a biased daughter speaking…FACT), Dave, Steve, MJ and Nikki kept on trucking on the construction site (hard stuff…concrete mixes by hand!), Verena and Sabrina did what they do best, being the TA's that they are but this time in Guatemala with our ESL classes, and Mom and Martha are the organizational pro's, making school resources and tackling and accounting program to get our accountant set up on something legit. YEAH. Great lunch, great afternoon of more or less the same (add in there Len's first accordian class for three of our staff, and some wood varnishing that went down) and bam. Day's pretty much done. The group's getting fluent in Spanish right now, dinner at 6pm, then the team has the night off. Minus Dave, Len and I, who are going to worship practice tonight so we can have a bilingual service next Wednesday! With accordian! BOO-YEAH AMAZING!!!!



P.s. I am about to dump some photos on our facebook page. Check it out.

P.p.s. Here is the testimony:

Today was the first of three times of “treasure hunting” for our service team from BC. We gathered at the Spanish Embassy in Antigua where Kat first read some scriptures to remind us again that sharing the Good News was an act of obedience for every follower of Christ. We prayed, and then Kat put as in groups. I was with leader Karla, one of the two ESL teachers who is fluent in English and Spanish, and with Dave and MJ from our team. Karla encouraged us with the experiences she has had “treasure hunting” before, then handed out the sheets, and we took about ten minutes to ask the Lord for clues how we would find the people he wanted to touch and bless through us today by giving us locations, names, appearances, prayer needs, and anything unusual, and we wrote down what we “heard” and “saw.”

This was the part I was entering with trepidation. What if I did not get anything? To my surprise, it started flowing. First I saw a group of older students in blue school uniforms standing together and talking in a fairly dark place that I thought was one of the many markets in Antigua. I felt these were not the people we were meant to talk to but a clue that if we saw them we were on the right track. Then I saw, very clearly, a man in a lime-colored T-shirt with a white collar and some white on the sleeves. He was Guatemalan, looked about 35 years to me, and had black, gelled hair.  The name Carlos popped into my head. I felt he was a person we should approach. Then I was in an inside artisan market again and saw a Mayan woman, maybe 45 years old, dressed in a typical top and skirt in different reds, her straight dark hair gathered in the back. The name Maria popped into my head. She was sitting, selling her woven wares.

Dave had the word “lips” but felt it might be a suspension bridge shaped like an upper lip. Karla drew on her paper what he described.

MJ sounded a bit discouraged when she stared to share. “All I had was that song “Santo, Santo” going through my mind and another song.

At this point Karla got really excited, because she had “Santo Domingo,” a hotel in Antigua. She had actually not written it down because she had seen their business card in her purse during our quiet time and dismissed it as a location that had come to her mind because she just was there for the first time the weekend before. Karla also had lips, as Dave did, she had white house with an arched entrance and a pot (she drew it for us) with a plant with small leaves and no flowers in it. She also had carousel horses, although she felt like dismissing it as a clue that came to her mind because someone had that for a previous treasure hunt. Karla also had green house. (I think Karla had more clues but I don’t remember the other ones.)

We prayed that the Lord would now guide us and use us to touch someone. Then we headed out. Karla knew that there was an artisan indoor market on the way to the Santo Domingo Hotel. We had not gone very far when a man wearing the exact lime-green T-shirt with a white collar I had “seen” stepped out of a doorway in front of us. He was younger then what I had seen, and his hair was not straight but wavy, and not gelled. We had a hard time following him because he walked briskly, and we lost sight of him, but he walked in the direction of the hotel. We took that as a confirmation. We kept our eyes wide open for other clues and then stepped into the artisan market. As we went around, I looked at every woman selling her wares, but I did not see the one I saw with my inner eyes.

We continued on our way to the hotel, Karla asking directions as she could not remember exactly where it was. It is a long way from the center of Antigua! MJ had visited the hotel on a trip to Guatemala six years ago. She and Karla explained to us that this was a compound of several square blocks, including parks, ruins, shops, restaurants, convention centers, etc. I could not believe my eyes when we walked in. Karla felt we should go to the candle store, so we walked in that direction. And then we saw one of our clues. It was not lips or a suspension bridge, but it was a huge canopy stretched over an area that was seated with chairs, obviously for a huge wedding. It was shaped in that exact way that an upper lip, or suspension bridge, is shaped. It was in the direction of the candle store. We took that as a confirmation that we were on track. As we stood in front of the candle store, MJ said, “Look, Karla, it is a white house and a pot with a plant in it” and it was just like the one Karla had drawn on her sheet. Two more confirming clues! At this point we just followed Karla, who seemed a bit hesitant despite the clues. We looked at the candles in the store, and then Karla whispered, “I sense we should go back there,” and she pointed to a room on the side where they make the candles for the hotel (600 daily!) The customers were actually allowed back there, and Karla had been watching the candle-making there before. A woman, we found out later that she was twenty, and a man (35 years, maybe) were taking turns dipping white candles hanging from a piece of wood into the hot wax. I looked at the man, and said to Karla, “This is him! This is the man I “saw”! He is not wearing a green T-shirt, but it’s his face and his hair and the right age!” We greeted them and Karla asked some questions about the procedure, but she soon explained that we felt the Lord had sent us to them today because he loved them and wanted to touch them today. (I don’t know what exactly she said.) Then Karla asked whether they had anything we could pray for them. They both said yes right away. The woman said she had a problem with her colon. If she was not careful what she ate, she was in pain. The man said he would like prayer for his family. He has a wife and three children. As they continued dipping candles, they shared more of their lives. He said that he was catholic, but that every time he wanted to go to church, something stopped him. The woman said she was part of a youth group in her catholic church, but often she would let herself get sidetracked and would end up not going. When Karla translated that for us, MJ felt very strongly, Karla should tell her to “Keep going and stand firm” in regards to going to her youth group because she was at an age where it was very easy to fall away from faith. We could see in her face that she was moved by that. While Karla talked with them, he stopped his work and began making little candles for each of us. He kept saying he could not believe how God led us to them, and Karla told them we were so amazed how God had brought us there. Karla felt a bit hesitant to ask whether we could pray for them because they were working, but she finally did and added we could just pray while they were working. But he shook his head and led us to a private room in the back. There we laid hands on them and each of us prayed, for healing for her colon, that the Lord would help her to keep going to youth group and seek the Lord, that God would remove what kept him from going to church, and that he would seek and find a personal relationship with the Lord. We all cried, including them – we found out their names were Suscely and Eliseo. Then we hugged each other, and I was moved to see that Eliseo gave Suscely a caring hug, too. The whole time we were there, they did not stop smiling. We left as if in a daze, amazed that the Lord would use four of his children from faraway Canada to bless and encourage two of his children here in Guatemala. As we walked back, passing by the canopy again, Karla said, “Look!” There, on the side, stood two antique carousel horses in the grass. They had been made into outside rocking horses. We felt that the Lord in his loving,caring way was saying to us, “Yes, you have found the treasures I sent you out to find and bless.”


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 3 in Guatemala

Just a note before I start. When we were down in Guatemala we were introduce to Treasure Hunt Evangelism, where we were given a Treasure Map. I have to say I had no experience when it comes to Evangelism. I have to say this is one of the best ways to break the ice into doing this.

 Ok now back to posting Day 3 of my Journal: Psalm 91Philippians 4:19 


How Awesome are you far beyond what I can comprehend. I am witnessing your mercy and grace, as your love poor's out on your Treasure. The clues you gave us and the witnessing of your obvious Treasure because of it. You reminded me today that I am one of your Treasures that you sent many to rescue, as you connected my present to my past and how far you have brought me.

I once lived in terror and shame, but you have set me free. Father words can't describe how thankful I am for everything you have brought me too, the good and the bad, because it has brought me closer to you and the love you have had for me since the beginning. A love I had been searching to find, but couldn't find until I found you!!! I love you beyond words and my life. I give to you my life as a living sacrifice, help me be in your will in all that I do. Please, Father take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words,my dreams & actions.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Day 3 Email update:

A little earlier than most my updates! We will be gone the whole rest of the day, so thought I'd shoot you all an email now.

Group is out for lunch with host families in the community in just a few minutes. They've all been plugging away at various tasks this morning. 4 down at the house construction site, 2 up at ministry construction project (an apartment for our long term volunteers), several of the ladies plugged into the school, making resources and assisting in ESL, etc. We are SO SO blessed that Len in the group was a tile-setter by trade AND (lo-and-behold) we are precisely at the point where we needed to begin laying tile in our apartment project. So wonderful how things work out. That project has been behind schedule, so to have Len and Clint helping put that tile floor in is a HUGE BLESSING!

After lunch, at 2pm, we are going into Antigua to do some street evangelism. This is the highlite of the trip for me! We had a great night last night with myself and some of our staff down here sharing testimonies of our evangelism experiences over the last few weeks. It is just amazing how the Lord uses willing vessels. Scared vessels, but willing vessels. All for His glory!

Please cover us in prayer this afternoon. We know that God has prepared hearts for us to meet. Pray that he would enable us by his Spirit with boldness and the right words!

Tonight we're going to church. (they have services here on Wednesday nights.)



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 2 in Guatemala

I have to say something before I write this next post as it could be offensive to some and it is not intended as a knock of any ones religion, but a fact of my experience while in Guatemala. After 2009, God has given me a gift, as he opened a window into spiritual realm where I can see the demonic and after Guatemala much more, as will be explained later in future posts. I am not writing this with the intent to hurt anyone but to write with the mask off, so please understand that I cannot sugar coat my experiences, because they are my real experiences, as I live them. 

Day 2: 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, Isaiah 41:10


          How you know us and the connections we make. Father that little boy held me tight and didn't let go of hugging me for a long time. My heart broke for him, as a hug from a child is more than some can fathom.
          You also brought me to a place of reflection, as it was talked about a young girl who could not read, but yet she could read the bible. How her parents encouraged her through brokenness and you sent the ministry to help the parents communication with their child.
          That Child was me too Father, but you have taught me to read your word. You have brought me to so many verses and taught me how read and understand them.
          Father you also reminded me how active spiritual warfare is and how I can not let my guard down and how I still need you to guide me!
          I could not walk into the active Catholic Church in Antigua, as the demonic presence was very strong and it was like walking back on the edge of hell. Father I need to be on the edge of heaven with you, not hell without you.
          Father take charge of my thoughts, actions and spoken words, consume me from the inside out. Let your will be done in my life, not thine. In Jesus Name Amen.

Email update for Day 2:

Buenas Tardes a todos,

Well, the weird cold weather blew away and we had a BURNER today. But, thankfully, no burnt people as they all stayed well-hydrated and had sunscreen on. A good thing too, what with our 5 hours in Antigua. Did some money exchange and all of that, but the main event was a walking tour to various ruin sites to learn more about the religious and cultural history of this here land that we find ourselves in. My favourite part was having a quiet devotional time in this overgrown, beautiful garden ruin. LOVE that part. :)

This morning we all made it up the hill for our first devotional. I sent a few people to catch the bus to save their knees the trek up, but the bus didn't come! Road work = road obstruction, no bus could pass. I put all of that together as I found myself walking alongside all of our school kids (who would normally have been on the bus.)

We had a bit of a coffee time with Julianna (director down here) and Jervin (school pastor) to catch a fuller glimpse of the vision of the school, the philosophy of our Christian education, and just to hear a bunch of testimonials of what God has been doing in the lives of the kids. Awesomeness. I never tire of those stories, though I've heard them many a time now.

everyone is in Spanish class right now. just a one-hour lesson. I had meant to have a bit of turn around time there for the group, between the tour and their first spanish class, but alas! There was a funeral procession in the street! (TIG. This is Guatemala.)  The public "chicken bus" that we were on fully stopped and turned off the engine, but in the end the delay was not too long.

Tomorrow the real work begins!

Dinner is wafting here into my room. I'm off.


Day 1 in Guatemala

Each Day we were given a scripture verse in the Journal we were given to write in and my dear friend had sent me with a beautiful card with 12 days worth of scripture verses that she had asked God to give her for me, something quite interesting happened, The first verse in the Journal was exactly the same as the verse my dear friend had given me. Ephesians 2:10

My Journal Day 1:

Wow where do I begin??  You have been preparing me for this moment my whole life. I was in awe today when I realized all these days I found myself not being able to afford gas to get to church  you were preparing me to walk the hills of El Tizate, extremely steep hills(no exaggeration).

I found myself talking about many things and places in my life and how your hand was in it all. Satin tried to put the seed of doubt by telling me I was speaking far to much about my life experiences and when I tried to stop you opened my mouth farther and the words started flowing and the joy about talking about you lit a fire of joy in my heart.

Father I come to you tonight and ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit to overflowing, consume my thoughts, my words and my actions and flood my dreams and my thoughts with your truths.
In Jesus Name Amen.

Email updates were also being sent out while we were down there: 


First piece of news: we are all alive and well in Guatemala.

First introduction: Hola. Mi nombre es Katrina. Hello. My name is Katrina. I work for Global Shore and am hosting your team of friends and family for the next 12 days here in El Tizate, Guatemala. Thank you for sharing them with us. We are excited to get to know them, work alongside of them, expand the kingdom of Jesus with them, be changed in the process. AMEN! I know almost none of you, but I will pretend that we are all good friends and will write in an informal, friendly style. (it's the only way to roll when recapping team trips.)

First item of interest: we have a facebook page (search "Global Shore") and that is where I will be periodically posting pictures of this team and their experiences.

First piece of trivia: what missions team had to push-start their minibus out of the airport parking lot??? OUR TEAM! YEAH! (the reason why the battery died remains unknown, but what IS known is that these men know how to push!).

We arrived back in town here around 3:30pm. Settled in…had a town tour, hiked up the E-NOR-MOUS hill (not exaggerated. We don't exaggerate on this point) towards the school, stopped mid-way up to visit our house construction project (started by a January team, continued by this team) and made it up to the school for endless stories on the goodness of God, His amazing provision, and all of the kind of history that results in the school that we have today for 225 kids. All of the glory is the Lord's.

It is now cold (weird weather…we are in the DRY season and there were a few rain drops earlier…BC, send us your people, but not your weather!) and people are going to crash pretty early. Breakfast at 6:30am!


Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm Back From Guatemala

Hola Everyone!!

I am back in Canada now from my very first missions trip, El Tizate just outside of Antigua, Guatemala. I was so blessed by my experience down there and hope that we were as much of a blessing to all the people that we came in contact with. I wrote in a Journal while I was down there, as we were encouraged to do by Global Shore Ministries. I will posting as I can in order the pages out of my Journal. I have written in my Journal as a letter to my Father in Heaven.

I have grown so much in my Heavenly Father since I left to go to Guatemala and I have watched him turn me back into the person he created me to be.

Our first page in our Journal was a prayer of Anticipation for my trip and this is what I wrote:

Dear Father,

Words can not express how thankful I am for how you have touched my life. I could never be able to repay you. Father fill me with your Holy Spirit, take charge of my thoughts, my spoken words and my actions. Father let your will be done not thine. Father use me to do your will.

In Jesus Name Amen.

I look forward to sharing this Journey with you and please feel free to comment or post questions!

I will also posting pictures on my photography website under Guatemala Missions Trip 2013: iblong2the3in1 Photography by Design, I ask for your patience as I post them a few at a time, as a came back sick and will be posting as energy allows. I will not be posting pictures of people unless permission has been given by the individuals in the photographs out of respect for them.

I ask for your prayers as I process everything God has taught me over the last 2 weeks and as I fight the two bugs I brought back, that my body is fighting. Gracias!!